Jim Leggit’s Drawing Workshops, Architecture Freehand Sketches

Updated on January 9, 2022 in Illustration and Presentation

Jim Leggit’s Drawing Workshops

Check the Jim Leggit’s Drawing Workshops website, I didn’t knew such workshop exist – learning how to sketch. From what I read, it is for people that are weak in sketches and colouring, sounds like a great workshop, and like all great things. It is only available in America.

I never learn these kind of sketching technique during my college (Limkokwing University-College) years, anyway I don’t expect much from such a small college with third world facilities, not even close to third world facilities – it is no facilities.

I do know a program call Piranesi that claim to be able to emulate and gives the user a freehand feeling – slightly better than sketchup. I’ve tried it and don’t find it user friendly at all, the user interface has this classic windows95 buttons and looks.

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Back to Jim Leggit’s Drawing Workshops topic, now is there any similar workshop around South East Asia that I can join? I’m eying Thailand and Singapore.

The author is not a CAD expert nor a web genius. Just another guy spending too much time online. The tutorials featured here are meant for basic level understanding.

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