Download 7 Layered Architectural Backdrops

Updated on January 4, 2022 in Architectural Resources

These Adobe Photoshop backdrops are not flattened, meaning to say you get to toy around with the various layers (sky, birds, human), they are layered photoshop templates and all you have to do is simply replace the existing building with yours. Architectural Perspective is a website that sell these ready made photoshop perspective backdrops.

For your info, these layered photoshop backdrops will further enhance your renderings by Autodesk 3D Max Studio, Sketchup, Rhino, ArchiCAD, Maya, MicroStation and many more. Do note that these 7 backdrops are scaled down, the original resolution is 5 times higher. Click on the images to download.

See More ➤  Download Tekton, DK Ching's Architectural Hand-Lettering Font

Click on image to download the .psd file

Click on image to download the .psd file

Click on image to download the .psd file

Click on image to download the .psd file

Click on image to download the .psd file

Click on image to download the .psd file

Click on image to download the .psd file

The author is not a CAD expert nor a web genius. Just another guy spending too much time online. The tutorials featured here are meant for basic level understanding.


  1. Really fantastic informations given to the public who are interested in this field and it is very very helpful. I appreciate you all behind this greate job. Kindly request you post new techniques. and send me some palm trees and useful human textures.

    Thanks and regards

    K.U. Abdul Latheef
    Graphic designer

  2. Dear Mr.Calvin,

    How are you. I am Abdul Hakeem. An Indian working Saudi Arabia
    I downloaded this 3D perspective backdrop from your blog.
    It is very nice . But due to the low image size it is not usable.
    So can you please send it in a higher resolution.
    And how can I can get other psd backdrop files like this. I heard it is available China.
    Pls reply.

    With thanks and regards

    Abdul Hakeem

  3. I’m new in architect design. So please send me some layered background (Backdrop)files in good quality image size.

    Thanks so much for your kindness


    Punel SR

  4. I am egarly waiting for those psd files…pls upload some architetural backdrops file…i have one which is best to use

  5. Hi,

    Thanks for such good info. I tried to open the psd file but it showed an error. Can you send me the psd file. Thnaks Again.

    • It has no error when i open them, so try to download the file again. The file can get damaged in the download phase if your connection is bad.

  6. Im an architecture student. Please could you send me the backdrops files, look extremely useful. Also any people, plant libraries would be greatly appreciated as am having trouble downloading them. Something to do with bandwidth exceeded. Many Thanks.

  7. Im an architecture student. Please could you send me PSD file people & plant libraries. Thanks so much for your kindness

  8. very nice techniqe but how can I have a higher resolution psd photo ?
    Tarek sakkal

  9. hi,
    thanks for sharing this information.. can you send us a techninque how to apply lighting, spotlight, shadow and rendering.
    Again thank you very much.

  10. Please could you send me PSD file people & plant libraries. Thanks so much for your kindness

  11. iam student of architectur design please send me photoshop formet file of envorment sky plant road human,garden of aparment bunglow ,bush,flower,brids,or ready sceanse file of PSD please send me thise materieal .

  12. Hello. I am architect studient. Could you send me the files? I have tried download and i can´t. Thanks you very much.

  13. Hi! I’m a second year interior design student from Malaysia.Your website is very informative and helpful.Keep up the good work and have a nice day :)

  14. Hello. I am an Architecture Student and I am soo glad to find stuff like these online for free.. Thanks to you all.. :)

    But I downloaded these files and I am not able to open them as an error message pops up saying the compressed folder is invalid..

    I would be extremely grateful if someone could help me on how to solve this..Thanks..

    • Hi Ayesha, I downloaded from the links and it appears to be fine. Maybe something is wrong with your WinZip? Try WInRAR.

      • Try to download them on another internet connection. If you have low bandwith (cheap internet low speed) it can damage the file.

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