Robotic Parking Garage With a Trojan Horse

Updated on August 8, 2019 in Architecture Rumbling

Robotic Parking Garage With a Trojan Horse

Talk about squeezing 324 vehicles into a 100- by 100-foot lot, now that is a miracle. But all has not been well for the automated car-lifters, the City of Hoboken decided to change the management that operates the “Sardine” Car Garage, but what they failed to change is the software that run the Robotic Garage system and also the failure in paying for the software’s royalties.

Robotic Parking has a time bomb installed into their software, and with no royalties – no working garage which means angry citizen having their car stuck inside the “sardine can”. What a great idea! Microsoft should do the exact same thing, have a time bomb if the user is found using pirated version.

The author is not a CAD expert nor a web genius. Just another guy spending too much time online. The tutorials featured here are meant for basic level understanding.

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