Proposed Shopping Mall Architectural Design

Updated on December 31, 2019 in Life Log

The images below are some of the current on going project, still in the design stage. Render in Artlantis R and model in SketchUp 5, final touch up in Photoshop. This time I’m indirectly involve in the overall design this time. The whole process took me about 4 days, and I’m still not happy with it, mainly on the design part due to the restriction imposes by the client.

Shopping Mall Design

shopping mall modern minimalist future creative

The author is not a CAD expert nor a web genius. Just another guy spending too much time online. The tutorials featured here are meant for basic level understanding.


    • Hello, iam students in quantity surveying. May i request shopping complex drwg from you for my coursework purpose?Thank advanced for reply…

  1. im a student assigned to design structurally and architurally a shopping mall. can u help with sample deigns, photos and drawings


  3. Hie I WOULD LIKE YOU TO HELP ME ON MY SHOPPING MALL PROJECT FOR COLLEGE,mainly on some design concepts and functoinal analysis.

  4. am looking to design my first major shopping mall…i can share my ideas but a few ideas from you will be really helpful..thank you

  5. Hi there,

    I am on the look out for some designs of a shopping centre. floor plans shop designs etc etc.

    Its just for a project I am doing, I liked the look of yours.

    Can you help me in anywya?


  6. Hello There,
    I am land owner and looking to build a 5 floor shopping complex plus apartment.Before handing it over to Contractors I would like to know the some sample proposed ideas and design.
    Area is approx 51840 sq ft.

    Ground floor is handed over to government institution. So,shops would be at 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors and 4th and 5th floor would be residential unit.
    pls advice with proposed design with focus 1st. 2nd and 3rd floor.
    pls help me I heard lots about this site.

  7. Please provide me with a couple of photos for a small shopping mall design that includes a restaurant and snack bar.


  8. hi,
    am also a student having a task to design a shopping centre.
    i was wondering if u could assist me with any helpfull tips about the project.

  9. I am inviting you to submit a proposal for a shopping mall plus condominium project in Sabah, Malaysia.

    If you are interested, please email:
    Jason Wong

  10. hi,
    am a student having a task to design a shopping centre.
    could u give me some important design tips about the project.


  11. i am an aspiring architect in africa/south africa.your shopping mall design jus inspired me.u have great like to know what inspires u and what is it that i must get self familiar with to draw such great ideas/tips.thank u…hope u reply via my mail

  12. Hi there,

    I am on the look out for some designs of a shopping centre. floor plans shop designs etc etc.

    Its just for a project I am doing, I liked the look of yours

  13. hi dere i am a final year student of project is on d design of a shopping mall so i woun’t mind if i get some ideas 4rm u nd also sheas mine wit u.tanx

  14. hello, m a student of architecture and my projects 2 design a shopping mall. i have a deadline to meet and have no clue wat to do. would love it if u could help with some ideas.

  15. hello. pls am an architecture 2 design a commercial centre consisting of small retail outlets n big retail outlets.pls i need some ideas.tanks vry mch.

  16. Hi, i am an architecture student who needs architectural designs, plans and details of shopping mall for my final project thanks a lot

  17. Hi,I’m a potential investor who is looking for concepts and ideas in developing a small-medium shopping mall in semi rural area. Would appreciate some ideas/proposals to build on.

  18. hello, frnd if anybody have any desgin for a small shoping complex with two floor please inform me its very urgent and i will thankfull for that,,, yours prince , contact no. 9034408789

  19. Hi,

    I’m a potential investor who is looking for concepts and ideas in developing a small-medium shopping mall in semi rural area. Would appreciate some ideas/proposals to build on.

  20. hi em cyrus doing a mall as a design project for my final year in campus thesis project titled influence of transitional spaces on user behaviouir in malls. please assist. thank you.

    • hey there, I am final year architecture student. Can I get help on medium size shopping mall please. With concept, through plans etc if possible.
      Here’s my email

  21. I want to have the latest and best shopping mall design for construction in the Africas largest and best city of A buja ,Nigeria.Pls help .

  22. Hi, am a 3rd year student and my project is to design shopping mall but am searching for surprising concept,plz may u help me. Thnx.

  23. Hey, I am a sixth semester student and I have to design a shopping complex and I am having a hard time. I need some help. Can you help?

  24. hii sir,i m six semester student i want to example plan of any soppping mall so plese send me any plan of sopping on my mail id.
    becouse it’s my project. i am archtecture student of Dr. AITH Kanpur.

  25. i am third year architecture student can i get help on shopping mall pls its through concept through plans etc if possible

  26. am a student and had been given ma final project to design a shopping mall.i would apreciate it if u can help me with the design concept,analysis,and any other useful info.thanks

  27. Hello There,
    I am land owner and looking to build a 3floor shopping complex plus corporate offices PLUS HOSPITAL AREA .I would like to know the some sample proposed ideas and design.
    Area is approx 13000 sq ft.(FAR-1.5)
    pls advice with proposed design with focus 1st. 2nd and 3rd floor.
    pls help me I heard lots about this site.

  28. HI SIR,
    I m final yr architecture student from akola
    My thesis topic is a commercial mall. Can you help me in design concept,services,and onther analysis.

  29. hi, im an architecture student doing a project which involves the design of a shopping complex/mall. i like your concept and form and would appreciate feedback from you especially on how you use artlantis and sketch as a rendering and presentation tool.

  30. I am land owner planing to build 6to8 floor corner shopping center in land (26×77 m) plus restaurant in top floor. Shopps would be in -1&0&+1&+2also basement will be used as customer temporary parking& rest of the floors will be offices.
    Please advise with proposed design.

  31. I am an architect student and have been assigned to design a shopping mall for my final project please could you kindly help me some design info to assist me, thanks.

  32. Hi.Iam architecture student from IRAN.Can you help me in design concepts servieses and another analysis(plan.details)thanks a lot

  33. hi i am urban planner by profession and have a task to design a shopping Mall or shopping complex on 19 Kanal area so block sketches are required. we can take this as a project jointly so front of the plot is 500′ x 212′. Thanks (


  35. Has anyone been to the Iluma Mall in Singapore? It has an original interior design but the owner has decided to remodel it due to poor shopper attendance despite only 2 years old. Read more under “interior design” at It has a lession for interior design.

  36. hi
    I am a land owner planing to build 4 floor shopping center in 6120 sq. feet . Shopps would be in basement, 1st&2nd floor, rest of the floors will be offices.
    Please advise with proposed design

  37. hi everyone,

    i m also an architecture students and need help for my project shopping mall …….. i knw the same request has been made by many students but still we students really need nice guidance……..i will be thankful to you if you could provide me the info for the same thanx

  38. hi architects,i really need an architectural plan for a shopping mall with the functional analysis,functional relationship and a bubble diagram.

  39. hi, everybody!
    i’m an architectural student….my thesis title is shopping mall…. i need to sumit case studies about shopping mall including floor plans with dimensions, functional relationship diagram and zoning please reply me if anyone can help me. my email address

  40. am an architectural student, i need a shopping arcade ground floor plan for my final project.with some drawings…..elevation, section, roofplan.. Pls i wil be very greatful if u help me out…this is my mail address

  41. Hi I’m looking for a architect to design a shopping complex, im a Currently looking for a design to take the industry by storm. Something unique that will stand out. If anyone is interested in a challenging but rewarding project and has the credential

  42. Hi, me and my group have a project to do a shopping mall and i would like to ask you if you can to provide us with some drawings, photos and floor plans so we can have an example to go on with our project.
    Here is where you can find me
    Thank you in advance even if you decide not to help us!:)

  43. guys i need help please i need any prefect design for shopping complex

    planning in autocad and design for it please

  44. hi,
    I’m urban design student…I’m working paper about shopping mall…. general information, case studies, about shopping mall including floor plans with dimensions,

  45. hi, i am looking for some achitectoral work for a shopping mall/retail centre anyone willing to work with me we can talk via my email looking forward to hear from u

  46. hie, i’m a 3rd year architectural student working on a community shopping center project. this project is for an informal settlement and am looking for case studies that relate to the rural areas, that have addressed social issues.

  47. Hi,all friends.
    Do you have documents that connect with super-mall? I really need it to do my assignment, could u share it for me. Thank u all friends :)

  48. Would you be so kid to provide me with a project plan template for the construction of a shopping mall. I need to design the same for a small shopping centre in the EASTERN CAPE

    Thank you

  49. I need a model plan for shopping mall for my college miniproject…. pls send a model report to my mail id… Thank you

  50. Hi,all friends.
    Do you have documents that connect with shopping mall? I really need it to do my class mini project work, could you share it for me.

  51. Hello sir i am a 4th year arch student doing my thesis on shopping mall. Can you please help me on this topic service plans fire plans etc.

  52. Dear all,
    Hello, iam students in quantity surveying. May i request shopping complex drwg from you for my coursework purpose?This is very urgent…Thank advanced for reply…

  53. hello, i am a final year architecture student of architecture from Nigeria, my project / thesis is on a shopping mall. please can u help me a reports and concept for a shopping mall. thank

  54. can u help me? .i need example design for shoping mall applying the concept of heritage and modern for my referencing.

  55. I was allocated a commercial stand measuring 250m along the highway and 200m wide. The place is earmarked for a fuel station with the state of the art car service centre with a small kiosk, a motel, a shopping mall with food court and a conference centre to seat 1000 people. Please, who can help to design the above for me. I want to have this project in a town called Mvuma, in Zimbabwe. Thank you

  56. Hello, sir/madam I am an architecture student, I have told to design a shopping mall with shops, parking, offices and apartment in an area of 100 by 100fts so am looking for help from you. thanks

  57. I quite like your design, I am working on an International Trade Hub, and looking at your design fits well into what we are thinking about, can you come up with a design for us??

    Kind Regards

  58. hi I am from turkey and I am an architect student and have been assigned to design a shopping mall for my final project please could you kindly help me some design info to assist me, thanks.

  59. hi Im fifth year architecture student
    My thesis topic is a mixed used shopping mall. Can you help me in design concept,services,and another analysis..

  60. hi, I’m a third year architectural student and I was asked to design a shopping mall. please can you help me check if the plan is functional

  61. a grade 12 leaner asked to do a research of

    a. a small shopping centre, that has three shops, 80 parking lots with electrical fittings.
    b. layouts and placing of till points of small bakeries and small butcheries.
    c. The type and size of refrigerated display units and walk-in refrigerators for a butchery ( include pictures )
    d. Design and construction detail of mono pitch roofs

    e. sizes and details of frontage glass windows and doors

  62. I’m an architecture student and I want to design a shopping mall. I’m hoping I can get pointers, concept and the floor plans to study so as to help

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