60 Storey Tower House for Mukesh Ambani

Updated on August 28, 2023 in Architecture Matters

60 Storey Tower House for Mukesh Ambani

I’ve seen that image weeks ago, not quite sure where I saw only when I visit archidose did I realize that I am missing the bigger picture, apparently this tower is more than a tower, according to source this 60-storey house is for just one family, well, technically speaking it is because India’s richest man, Mukesh Ambani is going to fund this project with his own personal company’s money.

Okay, here are the facts that I gathered:

– 27 floors with an equevilent of 60 storeyed residence at 173.12 meters.
– 6 floors for parking, Mukesh’s family has 168 imported cars.
– Facilities for athletics and a swimming pool, and a health club.
– Helipad at rooftop

It is not really a house, I think most of the top floors will be occupied by the family members, the ground floor definately will be allocated for his business and possibly those above the ground floor will be offices and some residential apartments for his nearly 600 staffers that are expected to work in the building, e.g. security personal.

Mukesh Ambani is 14th in Forbes’ 2007 worldwide rankings with a net worth of US$20.1 billion. The building, already worth £500 million, could start a rush on skyscrapers, which is a very good sign for India, it is about time the rich people in India stop migrating and abandon their country, england is not home! With great powers and wealth comes great responsibility.

Further readings:
Dream Home Of India’s Richest Man
A house for Mr Ambani

The author is not a CAD expert nor a web genius. Just another guy spending too much time online. The tutorials featured here are meant for basic level understanding.


  1. mukesh ambani is really a great person who has made his dad’s property a huge. and within few comming years he is going to be the richest man in the universe. thanks the greatest man is from INDIA

  2. new science tech and studies had almost proved that, the more rich man is happy in his life but for very short more richer man is carrying more tension on his head, the more richer man has many of the diseases.

    i think commen man’s life is better than some famous beings

  3. A common person gets much more happiness in his own way by spending less money whereas;by investing as much as US$ 20.1billion some people does not even get a half of the happiness they look for.

  4. He is a great man. he makes every indian proud. His father is my idle. i want to be like his father who was an ordinary man and came to such a higher position and became such a big shot. And make us feel that every man can get what he want if he has will power and courage to do.

  5. wonder what would have happened if he had invested half of this money to improve dhara-v’s bad state….mukesh is such a loser!!!

  6. I’m not familiar with the Indian culture but I believe the cultural system is stopping India from progressing, the rich tend to look down on the poor, probably because of the caste system, and when they’re super rich, they’ll migrate back to their hometown – ‘London’

    Building such a big house is a waste of money, he should be helping the poor, probably he is and I’m not aware off.

  7. dear mukesh ambani,
    i am see your big house and feel very happy.
    your leaving stayle is manarful i like it.
    i thought a prograsive man living standar is very comfortable .for very ansient time all raja,or,marj bult like kalkila new delhi $agra fort so akbar is great.os dear mukesh you are very claver bisnessman to know
    whole world.if you like i take denar with you in your dream house .i thought you are contineuessly prograss .gonig to the rechest man in the universe .thanks you are great bussnessman in india i proud of you .

  8. Mr. Ambani
    U r hopeless and greedy, just making money form
    poor man’s pocket and doing nothing for them expect constructing such huge buildings jus 4 ur own sake,which is unnecessary wen thousands of India’s even dont get 1 sq. of meal and go starving.

  9. Mukesh Ambani is not Shahjehan nor is he building a Taj Mahal, if the photo of the house is anything to go by. It is tall, ugly and contorted. Seems Mumbai will soon have the reputation of having the ugliest house on the Globe, thanks to Mukesh and his wife’s ill-conceived design. What a waste of a golden opportunity to showcase Indian Architecture

  10. Hi,
    mukesh Ambani sir,

    you are one of the richest,intilligante,indistrious,dedicated,person of the word.
    But;Iwanted you to that plese see our poor county.A large number hop on you.

  11. Mukesh…do something for the millions of poor people in our country. Building a house with this amount of money is simply waste and nothing else.


  12. Mr Mukesh Ambani we are appreciate today you are multi millionair and we proud a millionair is from INDIA how you start Ambani International school for children of business-man only if you will start same and hospital for those who can see dream only their children suppose to be from the school like you have.


  13. For all those people ridiculing what he is doing, let me tell you its none of YOUR business how he spends his money.
    His nasal spray costs more than your lifetime savings so dont be so immature and say he isnt’t donating, he is, check your sources before posting.

    Someone also said above that he is rich but not intelligent, exactly the point my friend, intelligent people will never become rich. So stop whining

  14. namaste ambani uncle. . . u r a richest person in the world,,,,,,, sincei was studying degree because of financial problem i drop my studies similar to me in india crores of poor students are there…..instead of spending money to a house,give to our studies please try to help us sir…please i beg you.

  15. I will construct more bigger than this….but i respect mukesh ambani….he is good person because he is INDIAN…

  16. mukesh and mukesh company manging so good

    so mukesh next next play
    and find a new idea
    good i want i take a lead? i make a mu

  17. I am looking fund to set up agro based industries like production of cheese for Indian market. The Company will be established in Nepal because the climate for cheeze production and fresh milk in different packeging is suitable, tastey, hygenic, and may be suitable to Indan richer and middle level populaton. The concept is that to link with cooperative groups and micro credict institutions and its group members. Therefore these instutions will provide the scheme to its members to purchase cow and these groups will supply the milk to this company. Gradually this links with cow farming, and other agro products like sweet factory and Khazas for school childrens in packet form which may be mixed as sweets, salt and cream. There is huge demand in populaton of India and Nepal. This is consumable industry directly related with females and childrens, which links directly with consumers. I am Economist, I have my own old Company registered in Kathmandu and wants to upgrade my company into public limited. Gradually I wants to introduce the share in peoples market after showing the results. I want to take the technology from APV Bakers and technology borrow from Netherlands. Finally I want to create network link with AMULs, India and Microfinance companies in India and te up with volunteer NGOs lik SEWA. Therefore I am looking some sort capital so that I will push study report data nalysis, push technology and contact for equipment, research and development and applied to Bank for further collaboraton. I will be very much happy, if I get some capital to start these things. Regards/Kiran Dev Pant

  18. Having read the comments above, I am reminded of a verse, which reads as fallows:-
    ” Daikh ka parai amanat nu, hairan na ho!
    Rabh tainu ve dega pareshan na ho!!”
    No one will ever get more than he is desteened to get and before the time he is desteened to get.
    Any way I am happy that you guys are gem of the nation. It would be great if both you brothers, forget your differences and again become one United force. Good Luck.

  19. hi mr ambani
    congs for getting this huge marvel of architecture made. but what will u do with it ? i have a two story house n believe me i dont go or need to go the roof top room once in 6 mnths even.i live comfortably n genuinenly worried 4 u.we gujratis love cosiness n closeness. u still can charity few flrs.gud luck.

  20. hai sir

    this is satheesh from neyveli(TAMILNADU)
    i request u to start a industry based on mechanical coures in tamil naduuuuuu
    please do it for tamilansssssssss
    its our kind requesttttttttt

  21. 60 storeyed residetal building should have
    ESCAPE RESCUE SYSTEM — A Revolution in emergency Evacuation of High- rise Buildings.
    The standard system cosists of an array of collapsible cabins stored permanetly on roof of the building which can be up to 200m in height .in emergency , the system can be operated using aremote control from ground and used to evacuate alarge number of persons.The system has been approved byUS(DHS)as a qualifed Anti-Terrorism Tech& Safety Act —Tks Mob- 09818635031

  22. wealth is not a health but health is a wealth please help some of yours money should be spend to education to improve the education level in india

  23. Thats great,lets strive to be great like him and channel our wealth diversely .his done something different.maybe i will build a whole township.and have it named after me,with a university,hospital a farm and a forest.
    any way bravo you will hear about us soon.

  24. Hello Mr Ambani,

    What are you doing to our country building that 27th story house or building which i dont know. Is making India ugly and you shouldnt have spent your money on that house. You should have helped orphans people living in the slums. your very greedy. You dont share no one anything.

  25. The venture is going to be 9th wonder of the world. Thanx to mukesh ambhani for giving 2nd wonder from india.

  26. The problem here is of systemic change. All you people still view India from a under developed barbaric outlook which has created and sustained this image and when a systemic change such as affluence and development takes place you guys start raising the leftist flags of halting capitalist development. This is not a socialist regime and India has moved from a closed economy to a free economy with great struggle. Yet we have you foreigners who dont know jack shit about what is happenin in India and the growth story that is being witnessed here. Are you saying there is not poverty in the US? Why dont you ask Donald Trump to halt his constructions and first help the poor in Harlem or the people whose lives have been destroyed in New Orleans? Why arent all the billionaires stopping their lives and first helping people and their financial states in life and then go ahead with their plans? Is that your silly notion of business? Stop waving leftist flags as if you dont want money or riches in life. If you have the capacity to make it in life you would and your riches and luxuries will be relative in terms to someone else’s poverty and the argument will start all over again. What any rich man does with his personal wealth is none of anyone’s business. Stop speaking like leftist Cubans from the 1960s cause we all know what has happened in all socialist regimes, capitalism may not be perfect but it does provide greater comfort to human beings ready to work and put in efforts than take a free ride.

  27. honestly this guy is lost. how can one spend so much on a house when the slums are probably the view from this tower. hahaha what a joke. well tbh he will be accountable for this waste in the hereafter. does he really need 600 staffs. for what one to pull the toilet roll nd another to wipe is ass.

  28. ur rich, r u realy happy in ur life? u cant walk around freely u have no privacy u cant eat normal food in normal restaurent and full of stress. god bless u n ur family.


  30. Ambani uncle we know that u have become a very strong Bussiness Tycoon in India . I have a very kind request to you to do something for our nation . we all know our country is develoing but, it’s not on the world-wide . Still our country need big boost in it’s improvement .

  31. Hello Mr. Ambani.

    This is on behalf of Mr. Tarendra Dahale.
    He has a little request if you could give him rs. amount 10 lac, it will resolve all his trouble related to his personal life. He will be very thankful to you for all over his life.

    Please do not ignore this message as if he is really needed help from people who can really help in deed.

    Thanks And Regards
    S N on behalf of (Tarendra Dahale)

  32. Hi Ambani,

    Should i called u as Mr.Ambani? I don’t think so. As an one of the richest man in this globe,you should at list felt ones like an usual people surround you.You create history ?I tell go to hell i won’t agree with that .History created when a normal thing been taken or done in another way around. You same like other take care of your A** only .

    If a history maker if your done something for your people .Ehich can be recanize like what THE LORD SIMILAR to GOD Gandhi made.

    I pray you might change .

  33. Dear mr. Ambani, I have gone through the comments what other people has sent you, but I think it is really only a imagine thoughts. It is your hard earned money and it is only you know how you have suffered to earn. So do the best what you want to do

  34. sir,
    you are the most successful bussinessman
    in the world.we will proud of you because you are the one indin person.And you are the histry maker.Sir,your wllpower are so briliyant.so you are the king in bussiness

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