Canon 3D Papercraft Architecture

Updated on January 9, 2022 in Illustration and Presentation

Talk about origami, the image of Japanese and their minimalist/miniature culture begins to flash in my mind. Origami is the art of paper folding. The goal of this art is to create a given result using geometric folds and crease patterns. Origami refers to all types of paper folding, even those of non-Japanese origin.

Nearly everyone has made paper airplanes or tried origami when they were children. Take these memories further when you download dozens of 3D-Papercraft projects for free. Canon has this list of download-able tutorials that comes in pdf format, all you have to do is print it. I don’t think you need a canon printer, any printer will do.

The image below are paper art, not your normal card-board model making materials. A combination of several origami into paper architecture.

 Canon 3D Papercraft Architecture himeji castle

Canon 3D Papercraft Architecture sydney opera house

There are various design besides the Hemiji Castle and Sydney Opera House. From architecture to animals, from gifts to transports, you name it and the best part is its free. Visit the Canon 3D Papercraft website now.

The author is not a CAD expert nor a web genius. Just another guy spending too much time online. The tutorials featured here are meant for basic level understanding.


  1. need help in making a paper model of australia opera house. can you suggest any body who can make it for me – for payment

  2. Hi, maybe I can help you for your paper model of Australia opera house. please email me your address and i will try my best send it to you.

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