Registered Trademark in Architecture

Updated on January 4, 2022 in Debates, Ideas and Discussion

Copyright in architecture? Crazy as it may sound but Hans Zwimpfer from Zwimpfer Partner manage to register his trademark design in both Europe and USA. The patent covers the spatial concept with the high-ceilinged living and outer area, and the flexible floor plan structure on a single level.

Registered Trademark in Architecture
image from Zapco.

Its half design half construction idea that he is selling, nothing much to shout about. Le Corbusier could have made billions from his Domino house concept; can architect patents an idea or some simple construction technique? High-ceilinged living? Precast construction are everywhere, it is like having a patent for laying bricks and building a structure from steel. The Romans could have made zillions from cements.

PILE UP® was registered for patenting throughout Europe and in the USA in 2003. The preliminary checks have been carried out. The patent covers the spatial concept with the high-ceilinged living and outer area, and the flexible floor plan structure on a single level – this is not a maisonette model. The patent applies for the construction of PILE UP® in all of its possible construction models.

The author is not a CAD expert nor a web genius. Just another guy spending too much time online. The tutorials featured here are meant for basic level understanding.

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