Dubai Construction Failure – You Can’t Rush Art

Updated on January 4, 2022 in Construction and Technology

You Can't Rush Art

There is a scene in Toy Story 2 where an old man says “You can’t rush art.” This is especially true with every work of art be it animation or architecture. They said Rome wasn’t build in a day… but Dubai was. With a population of 2 millions and an economic growth of 16% (China at 8%) mainly in construction, any ideas whether these office towers are fully occupied or at least 20% occupied with tenants?

dubai construction dam failure retaining wall collapse
image source: imre solt

dubai construction dam failure retaining wall collapse
image source: imre solt

dubai construction dam failure retaining wall collapse
image source: imre solt

dubai construction dam failure retaining wall collapse
image source: imre solt

The author is not a CAD expert nor a web genius. Just another guy spending too much time online. The tutorials featured here are meant for basic level understanding.

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