An Abandoned Village in Italy

Updated on January 4, 2022 in Architecture Rumbling

An Abandoned Village in Italy

An Abandoned Village in Italy

The website mention that the village is abandoned but never state the reason, no name of the village or exact location. Isn’t it weird how a village of such magnitude was abandon? Visit the website for more images. This reminds me of the abandon city San Zhi in Taiwan.

The author is not a CAD expert nor a web genius. Just another guy spending too much time online. The tutorials featured here are meant for basic level understanding.


  1. If you search for ‘Balestrino, Italy’ in Google Earth, you’ll find the exact location… greetings.

  2. it ‘s on the right… from the place where google earth will send you, but still on the screen…
    44° 7’28.82″N

  3. The name of the village is Torri Superiore located in Liguria, Italy.However no reasons for the abandonment,just rumors one of witch is the area was strickin with a plague the goverment quarantined it for some time , cover up ? or just rumor ..

  4. Balestrino, Italy is just as picturesque as many other medieval Italian towns, with its stunning hilltop location 70 km southeast of Genoa. Once owned by the Benedictine abbey of San Pietro dei Monti, Balestrino began losing its population in the late 19th century as earthquakes struck the region and damaged property. In 1953, the town was abandoned due to ‘geological instability’. The part of the town that has remained untouched since that time is currently undergoing planning for redevelopment, so it won’t remain abandoned for much longer.

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