Lanyang Museum by Kris Yao of Artech Architects

Updated on January 4, 2022 in Masterpiece

the museum spaces shift in and out of the rock

Taking forms from the cuesta rock formation in and around the site

Lanyang Museum by Kris Yao of Artech Architects

Taking forms from the cuesta rock formation in and around the site, the museum spaces shift in and out of the “rock”.

This museum by Kris Yao Architect is adjacent to the Wushih Port, a once prosperous harbor that is now a wetland. The museum is designed to reflect the unique history, the culture, and the landscape in Lanyang. In addition to reconstructing the harbor’s history, the museum also introduces Yilan’s rich wetland ecology as a part of an outdoor exhibition.

ProjectLanyang Museum
Lanyang MuseumYilan County, Taiwan
ClientsYilan County, Taiwan
ArchitectKris Yao | Artech Architects
Floor Levels4 Floors above ground
Building StructureReinforced Concrete, Steel Framing
MaterialsCast Aluminum Panels, Granites (India Black, Caledonia, Rusteinburg, Verde Lava, Olympia White, Zimbabwe Black), Low-E glass
Building UseMuseum
Site Area39,426㎡
Lot Coverage Area7,682㎡
Total Floor Area12,473㎡
Total Floor Area2000.2-2003.6
Construction Phase2004.6-2010.3
Completion Date2010.10
PhotographsJeffrey Cheng, Chi-Yi Chang

The volume’s dominant geometry is inspired by the natural Cuesta rock formation

the minimalist architectural geometry mimics the nearby terrain

The volume’s dominant geometry is inspired by the natural Cuesta rock formation, commonly found on the coast. By inserting the triangular mass into the ground at an angle, the minimalist architectural geometry mimics the nearby terrain. The building consists of interlacing solid and glass volumes, where the solid volume is reserved for exhibition and administrative spaces and the glass volume serves as the main lobby and the restaurant area. The gaps between the volumes provide natural lighting and divisions between different functional spaces. The view of the Guishan Island (Turtle Mountain Island) at a distance acts as a constant reference point for visitors, as they experience the alternating inside/outside, solid/void journey through the museum.

The view of the Guishan Island Lanyang Museum_Photography Jeffrey Cheng

Turtle Mountain Island Lanyang Museum_Photography Jeffrey Cheng

A range of granite and cast aluminum panels are used on the building

A range of granite and cast aluminum panels are used on the building’s exterior to represent the reef’s natural erosion process while incorporating the image of seasonal changes over the Lang Yang plain. These panels of varied textures and sizes translate the musical notes and the rhythmic tempos. The music we choose to represent is Antonio Vivaldi’s Four Seasons Concerto.

The music we choose to represent is Antonio Vivaldi’s Four Seasons Concerto Lanyang Museum_Photography Jeffrey Cheng

The building consists of interlacing solid and glass volumes Lanyang Museum Photography Jeffrey Cheng

adjacent to the Wushih Port, a once prosperous harbor that is now a wetland

The museum is designed to reflect the unique history, the culture, and the landscape in Lanyang

These panels of varied textures and sizes translate the musical notes and the rhythmic tempos

Lanyang Museum Photography Jeffrey Cheng

the museum also introduces Yilan’s rich wetland ecology as a part of an outdoor exhibition

The gaps between the volumes provide natural lighting and divisions between different functional spaces

The gaps between the volumes provide natural lighting and divisions between different functional spaces

lanyang museum

Kris Yao

Note: All images courtesy of Artech Architects, photos by Jeffrey Cheng.

Kris Yao

Kris Yao

Mr. Kris Yao obtained a Bachelor of Architecture from Tunghai University in 1975, and a Master of Architecture from University of California, Berkeley in 1978. In 1985, Mr. Kris Yao established Artech Architects in Taipei, Taiwan, and in 2001, Artech Architects & Designers Limited in Shanghai, China. In 1999, the London-based World Architecture Magazine recognized Artech Architects as “the most impressive practice in Taipei,” and Mr. Yao “at the forefront of the revolution” of the architectural scene in Taiwan.

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