Zombie-Proof Safe House By KWK Promes

Updated on January 4, 2022 in Masterpiece

Image Source and Copyright: KWK Promes

The first zombie ‘proof’ house by KWK Promes. Your chances of surviving a zombie apocalypse is sort of guaranteed, provided that you stock up enough food. Photos: KWK Promes.

Zombie-Proof Safe House By KWK Promes

Zombie-Proof Safe House By KWK Promes

zombie architecture house proof

Visit KWK Promes ‘Safe House’ for more amazing photos of the interior. The name of the house is ‘Safe House’, not Zombie House.

See More ➤  3 Architectural Comics and Architect's Sleeping Position

Zombie-Proof Safe House By KWK Promes

Zombie-Proof Safe House By KWK Promes2


Safe house by Robert Konieczny KWK Promes

The author is not a CAD expert nor a web genius. Just another guy spending too much time online. The tutorials featured here are meant for basic level understanding.


  1. Robert Konieczny the founder (along with Marlena, his ex-wife) of KWK Promes was my tutor at the polytechnical school. A very humble, approachable and inspiring guy. One of very few people we can be proud of in Poland. In Poland he is now considered a top architect (in terms of the high quality of his work not just the amount of cubic meters of built space). I recommend you take a look at his another design, the aatrial house in Opole, Poland, which was nominated to the Mies Van Der Rohe Award in 2006. Here is a link with some photos: http://www.archdaily.com/8262/aatrial-house-kwk-promes/
    Take care.

  2. If you look at photographs of the aatrial house where the staircase is visible notice the very high single glass piece windows with no horizintal muntins. This idea gave the architects and the contractor a huge headache because at that time no manufacturer was able to supply such high single piece glass. They finally got Pilkington to bespokely design and make such glass at an enormous cost. These windows are the highest single glass pieces in Poland.

    One thing about the “Safe House”. It was built for a film producer who is paranoic about being burglarised thus all the security measures. In summer time they invite friends for barbeques, put up a white canvas to cover the whole side wall and have open-air cinema film projections. How cool is this :-).

  3. Courtesy of KWK Promes In the event of a disaster, the outdoor seating would be protected behind the house’s metal walls. Courtesy of KWK Promes With a movie screen and a swimming pool, the Safe House is great for entertaining.

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