Melbourne City

Updated on August 8, 2019 in Life Log

Hello Melbourne, its an amazing city, a melting pot of various culture and ethnic. Love their public architecture, love their tram network system, love their lanes, there is always something new to discover, every corner is a mystery, a journey that invests me to explore more.

How I wished I studied in Melbourne instead of Perth.

Melbourne City
I think this is Bourke Street at Melbourne City, it is the heart of the cities shopping.

Melbourne City

Melbourne City
Unlike most cities around the world, Melbourne’s tram network system are preserved, cable tram lines were progressively converted to electric trams from the 1920s.

Melbourne City
Federation Square, not by Daniel Libeskind. Strategically located opposite the train station, Federation Square is known as the meeting point by the locals. According to my lecturer in Curtin, the architects involved in this project was overjoyed with the success of this project, thus they expected a tsunami of ‘big’ clients, unfortunately, nobody wants them (sort off).

Over budgeted and delayed, I think they got an F for their portfolio. Architecturally, Federation Square is amazing.

Melbourne City
One of the many lane ways in Federation Square.

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Melbourne City
Pity the CAD monkey, pity the builders, pity the cleaners.

Melbourne City
I think this is the Melbourne Custom building, an optical illusion. What’s the reason for this sort of architecture? Anyone?

Melbourne City
Southern Cross Station, designed by Grimshaw Architects.

Melbourne City
A tower in a shopping mall

Melbourne City
The Royal Exhibition Building

Melbourne City
Shrine of Remembrance, a place to remember Australian soldiers died in World War 1 and 2. They have a handful of Nazi and Japanese Imperial Army’s uniform, an original copy of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Jewish hand band worn by Jews in concentration camps and more.

Melbourne City

Am not much of a writer, Melbourne city is way way way much better and livelier, you got to be there to explore the city, to experience the atmosphere. It is a live-able city, looking forward to visit Melbourne again.

The author is not a CAD expert nor a web genius. Just another guy spending too much time online. The tutorials featured here are meant for basic level understanding.


  1. I’m a Kiwi but totally agree with you regarding Melbourne. Most tend to go on about Sydney, which has some good points too, but I prefer Melbourne*.

    Your “pity the CAD monkey” comment make me grin as thought the same. I remember being told, but am not sure, that a lot of the overrun on Fed Sq was due to the seemlingly modular façade actually requiring almost piece by piece custom manufacture.

    * And it’s even better at Grand Prix time!

    • yeah, that’s what they told me. they told me Sydney is all iconic, huge monumental buildings but melbourne is friendlier. Maybe i’ll visit Sydney next year.

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