Beijing Great Wheel

Updated on January 4, 2022 in Architecture Matters

Beijing Great Wheel

Remember my previous post – Eye of the world and the Pakistan Eye? The Chinese government began construction on the Great Wheel of China (220meters, 680 feet), believed to be the world’s tallest ferris wheel provided that Dubai (Dubai Eye at 200meters, 600 feet) doesn’t go back to the drawing board.

Originally $99 million Beijing Great Wheel was to complete construction in time for next summer’s Beijing Olympics, apparently there was so much bickering over the design of the gigantic wheel, it was delayed for quite sometime. A completion date has not been announced. Fear not, given China’s ability on cutting corners, I have faith in them that the construction would be completed in no time.

Some sarcastic comments found online:

  • I think it’s brilliant. What better way to observe all of Beijing’s air pollution? You can even have your kids count out the various layers of pollutants on your way up. Fun for the whole family! – SH3NANIGUNZ
  • Great now China reinvents the wheel. – AZTECK

It appears that building a ferris wheel is a must in every major city in the world, Perth? Unlikely but why not? Pretty much like parks, subways, and a telecommunication + lookout tower. I bet the next proposal would be in South America.

More Information and Source : MSNBC

The author is not a CAD expert nor a web genius. Just another guy spending too much time online. The tutorials featured here are meant for basic level understanding.


  1. perth, really?
    melbourne is building one now, frame is up and going to be complete by next year as assume
    it is located in the docklands

  2. Monumentalism at it´s worst. It´s too bad that these developing countries like Dubai and China are desperately trying to show that they are up to date by doing things that were in style years ago. If they really wanted to be on the cutting edge they would already be nixing the skyscraper and megaconstructions for environmentally responsible projects.

  3. At least they wouldn’t need to travel anymore by plane (which eventually causes more polution) to london to experience the original “london eye”. They can afford to have it at home!.
    What makes it not to be considered as “cutting edge” design compare to the london eyes itself?..nothing!It is the same damm wheel.
    Give the Chinese a break and let them experience and enjoy together…the Great Wheel

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